To follow along, please do the following before we start:
GitHub is a Git repository hosting platform.
jupyter lab
git clone <repo> github-jupyter-covid
git add .
git commit -am "<commit message>"
git push
git clone <repo> shadanan-covid
git log --graph --all
git fetch
¶git pull
(on master)¶git push
(on branch)¶Let's see what options we have...
to our remotes.git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
to get Niwako's changes.git log --graph --all
to view the state of all the repos.git merge upstream/master
git merge --abort
pip3 install --upgrade nbdime
nbdime extensions --enable
nbdime config-git --enable
git merge origin/master
git mergetool --tool nbdime -- *.ipynb
git status
git log --graph --oneline --all
git add [file]
git commit
git dag
git log --graph --all
Or, for something really special, put the following in to your ~/.gitconfig file:
dag = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) -%C(auto)%d%C(reset) %C(bold white)%s%C(reset)%n %C(dim white)%an%C(reset) <%ae> -%C(reset) %C(cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(green)(%ar)%C(reset)' --all
Now you can run:
git dag